So here are some important ground rules.
1. NO VISITING WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT AND A SIGNED CURRENT WAIVER. Unfortunately the waiver some of you signed last year is no longer valid; without a current appointment and waiver any attempted visit is TRESPASS.
2. PARK ONLY IN THE DESIGNATED LOT, marked with a large sign "Hummingbird Sanctuary Parking". Do not park anywhere along the length of Terry Farm Road, and above all do not enter any property off Terry Farm Road other than the sanctuary itself (which starts where Terry Farm Road becomes "Hummingbird Way"). Carefully follow the instructions I send with the confirmation of your appointment.
3. Please wear proper walking shoes, not flipflops or light sandals. There are many steep narrow uneven paths with loose pebbles and roots. This is a nature sanctuary not the mall! If you have an appointment but are not a good walker please contact me by email prior to your visit. If you hesitate to go anywhere, please do not go there!
4. The lower garden areas are suitable only for the very fit. These areas are not part of the sanctuary proper, but the garden flowers there do attract hummingbirds. Please ask for permission before descending to these areas.
5. Please respect all signs and do not cross ropes or enter "no go" areas.
6. Do not bring tripods. Photography groups can make a private arrangement to visit with long lenses. But handheld cameras are very welcome, and we will publish the best of your sanctuary photos if you send them to us. No bathroom access.
7. If rain threatens for your appointment, please still try to come: rain will not deter hummers, and you can observe them from shelter. If you do not come to your appointment, you will have to compete with others for a new one.
8. Remember that both my neighbors and the Town of Riverhead want to close down the sanctuary. I believe what I do is legal, safe, quiet, and morally valuable. Please cooperate in helping me continue. Sign the petition.
Here's a recent new video: feeding at rosebud salvia, 4X slo mo.