We open either in the morning, from 9 to 12.30 (marked "am") or in the afternoon, from 3 to 6 (marked "pm"). WE ARE ALWAYS CLOSED FROM 12.30 TO 3. We occasionally open from 3 to sunset. Please respect the posted opening times scrupulously. All other information about the sanctuary, including directions, instructions, suggests, requests etc, are available at lihummer.org. However, opening date/ time information posted at this blog is definitive. Remember that you visit entirely at your own risk: we are not insured, this is a nature sanctuary only, with no amenities. If you have questions please email me at padams@notes.sunysb.edu
- Paul
Monday Aug 1 PM (3-6)
Tues Aug 2 PM
Wed Aug 3 am (9-12.30)/pm
Thu Aug 4 (am/pm)
Additional dates, extending throughout august, will be posted soon!