The Online Petition asking the Town of Riverhead to withdraw their attempt to close down the Sanctuary has now passed 1000 votes! - I provide the link at the right. Not bad for a tiny sanctuary for an even tinier bird, which is only open for a few days each year. Many thanks to the petition organizers!
Today's movie is a bit different: yesterday I shot some video of a few random garden scenes, and in the evening, to keep my mind of the BR bite, edited, compiled and captioned them into a short movie (above). It was fairly breezy, and there's some wind noise on the soundtrack (plus at one point a small low-flying single engine plane - usually Calypso is blissfully quiet, except for the ever-present ocean and the wind in the palms), as well as some annoying fluff on the camera sensor. I must soon take the plunge and disassemble the camera (and hopefully re-assemble it).
The Brown Recluse bite started out painful in the night, but as long as my hand is immobile and in a comfortable position the pain goes away, and I slept ok. This morning I see there's a white pimple forming at the center of the swelling: presumably the precursor of "necrosis" (tissue death). Everything hinges on the final extent of the necrosis, and I believe the swelling is not growing beyond the size of a quarter, and might even be slightly shrinking. Claire wants us to go swimming in the ocean today (it will be warm), but I cannot decide if the salt water would be good or bad.
Sea Salt is great for many things. That's all I can say about that I hope you are alright. Bill LIHP